Friday, 13 September 2013

Session 5: E-learning Resources

Based on personal experience while doing Food and Nutrition back in secondary school, my classmates and I tend to have difficulty in understanding topics like Digestion. I guess, the reason why we do is because of the scientific terms like bile, esophagus, pancreas, pancreatic juice (which were relatively new terms for us back then). Adding more to our confusion, we were even more terrified when we found out that not only must we memorize the different type of enzymes but digestion actually happens in different parts of the system and the nutrients were actually broken down in different ways!

Besides digestive system, another difficulty that many of my secondary school classmates and I had was actually coursework b. Some problems were that many of us were actually having trouble is doing the sensory evaluation and interpretation of results using graphs (technical aspect ie, creating the star diagram).

Therefore, with that, as an aspiring Home Economics teacher, I think I will understand the problems my students will faced if they have trouble grasping certain theory topics/ coursework because ,truth be told, I have been in their position and the feeling is actually rather scary. Therefore, with that, the web resources that I have chosen will be used in the future as part of my ICT teaching tool in the future, with the main purpose of creating a meaningful learning experience for my students

1) Enchanted Learning
(Digestion Topic)

As can be seen from the screenshot of the website, not only do the website explains the process clearly, it also shows the digestive system of a human body. With that, it will benefit the students in a way as their learning is greatly enhanced. Not only that, this website also provides Digestion System Glossary where it explains certain key terms which will aids in the students learning definitely as some students may not be familiar with the physiological aspect of the human body. 

2) Food A Fact For Life
(Coursework B Resources)

I find this website, an excellent platform for students who are having problems with their investigative work. This website even provides resources for teachers as well! And it even provides excel sheets for students for star diagrams (which I remember, was really an ordeal back then, to the extent that the Food and Nutrition department in my secondary school even organize an external workshop for us regarding coursework b)

Below is a list resources that the website has provided for both teachers and students! The website even provides Interactive Tutorials as well!!

Below is an example of the Star Diagram Template (excel chart 5 points 1 product) which is very useful for the results section of the coursework b 

3) Eat Right: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
(Various Food and Nutrition Topics. Useful for revision for N/O level examination)

Another website resource which I find useful is the website listed above. The reason is because, it has various Food and Nutrition topics such as Nutrional Labels, Meal Planning, Vitamins, Nutrients and so forth. Under each topic, there will be quite a handy of resources pertaining to the topic chosen which will greatly enchance not only the way the teacher teach but also student's learning as well. 

The various Food and Nutrition topics can be seen in the green tab. 

For example, if the student click on the Nutrition Facts Panel and Food Labels tab, they will be directed to pages that pertains to Nutrition Panels and also Food Labels. This website will come in handy when we, teachers, did a revision on Food Labels for the preparation of the N-level or O-level examinations. 

With that, I hope these websites will come as handy for you teachers as how it has been for me! :) 

Till then!

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